Return to Oneness
Contains several of the poems on this website, and in PDF form you will enjoy all the beautiful full-color pictures. (the printed book has black-and-white pictures) Some of these poems are on her CD.
This collection of love poems to the Beloved, and “ruminations” of consciousness between Cynthia and Life, are powerful, heart-opening and clearly ECSTATIC. Her poetry is often compared to Rumi’s, since Rumi and Cynthia have the same birthday. You will complete the walk across the bridge to Oneness, with the transmission available to you in this book. (more…)
The Being & Becoming Book
This book offers freedom from domination by the little needy fictitious self that has imprisoned us.
A journal of her ascension process into a higher level of consciousness. “Ah-ha” moments, pointers and signposts from her initial, rapid spiritual awakening. Following the vision of a single white rose offered to her in a dream on Easter morning, she left her life behind and went into solitude in the high mountains on the Arizona/New Mexico border for two years. Merely a portal for these inspirations, she rose at sunrise, feeling a strong Presence and a connection with All-That-Is, and scribbled down these words.
They trigger transformation in readers, more fully opening your mind, heart and soul. (more…)
Return to Oneness (CD)
CD Baby closed. I will make available soon on this website links for a FREE download of my spoken word poetry. Thank you for your patience. Please return soon. Enjoy the written posts of my poetry for now.
Ecstatic Poetry written by a Sufi Woman born on Rumi’s Birthday, inspired by his Spirit of Love and Unity with the Divine.
“When we find God standing strongly and brightly in our hearts, it is not that we are finding God … it is that God is finding Himself again…”
While wandering alone in a high mountain forest for two years, a stream of consciousness poured through me that I scribbled into several journals. Here is a taste of the sweetest nectar of MY TOTAL LOVE AFFAIR WITH THE BELOVED ONE HEART, dwelling behind and within all creation. I know my voice carries the transmission to you, and that you will journey deep into your own heart to DANCE WITH THE DIVINE. A pure, cosmic frequency of words and music CALLS YOU HOME. Set your life free, and please don’t be afraid … let go of any final thoughts … of being separate from God. (more…)
Transform Into Lightbody

Available online and at all popular and local bookstores.
How Is Consciousness Evolving? What‘s Next For The Human Body?
Read this book. Find out HOW MAGNIFICENT YOU ARE! (sample below)
Dr. Clayton has created a marvelous overview of the nature and necessity of Lightbody in human development. A very useful tool for all who are interested in the next step on the path.
Rev. Dr. Ruth L. Miller
I bought this book and highly recommend it. It summarizes in a compellingly straightforward way many of the deeply esoteric teachings it took me years of self-study to understand. A beautiful present for yourself or others consciously committed to the ascension path!
Ann J.
“TRANSFORM INTO LIGHTBODY” is the first book I have read that clearly details the lightbody into stages or levels. This information guides you to understand the process to Outer Enlightenment, and the journey into becoming a Cosmic Being. An easy-to-understand book where one can grasp new concepts. I recommend this book for the beginner or the advanced spiritual learner.
K. MasonThis is an incredibly well-researched book filled with little known esoteric information. The breadth and depth of its coverage of Lightbody is quite impressive. I highly recommend it. You won’t be disappointed!
Sarah A.
This inspiring and uplifting book will lead you on a journey to uncover the truth of your being as cosmic and Divine. It includes prayers and meditations which open the heart and expand consciousness. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, this is my go-to book. It is full of wisdom and joy. I don’t keep many books that I buy but this is one that will always be with me. Enjoy!
What a wonderfully written book! I love feeling the resonance of such truth! I am a Divine Being! All truly is well!
This book is a gem. The words inspire readers to aspire to become hue man beings of light, and love. This wisdom is highly needed and recommended.
This book presents methods that actually work. Especially the steps given for Diamond lightbody activation – ignites the mighty I Am within you.
