3-kissed-by-the-divine-at-sunriseI stub my toes climbing the steps to you.
Joyfully I bruise them.
Even when I put on my finest dancing moccasins,
I scuff the toes.
Am I not lifting my feet high enough?
How high are you, really?
When I part the drapery to witness the sunrise
and feel the light-fire-heat,
I cannot look or I would go blind,
such radiant Life!
But I feel your touch through the window,
and I hear you whisper:
Your attempt to move towards me,
is moving you away.
Be still.
Hold your breath for a moment.
Feel me.
My Beloved.
You whisper … that I AM you!
I need not look for you.
So, I let you place your morning sunlight kisses on my cheeks,
and my heart yields… to the glow of our oneness.


2-the-pathless-pathAs I went wandering in the forest today, not following any path, but knowing to go home is north, I thought: Truth is like this. The way to truth is pathless. Ultimately, no one and no course of study will get me there. There comes a time to leave the path and wander. The North Star will always guide me back.
No, my friend, I did not fall apart because you weren’t here to care about me. I fell apart easily when I decided to dismantle myself; I just don’t need or want it anymore. So much about it keeps me separate from Source. It’s like I’m buried under way too many covers on a cold night that grows warm as the clouds roll in.
I’m simply throwing off the covers now.
God will have mercy on me,
and cover me up
if I begin to freeze.
I’m taking off my seeker’s shoes; it seems I’ve been wearing them my entire life.
I’m placing them reverently on the window’s ledge, along with my empty pot; it’s yet again empty. I filled it many times, and then consumed the food within. Empty is its natural, sacred state.
I’m climbing through to the other side of that window, and heading across the desert with no shoes and no canteen. The waters of life flow there continually, and I have no need to plan for my sustenance, or plan for anything. No plans. I’m just going.
I’m sailing away, no mooring left, anchor thrown overboard.
Without a rudder, I find the freedom I have always longed for,
and the love I never had, until now.
Take my hand for these final steps, my Love.
For you have had my heart all along…


1-the-embodimentWhen you have cast out the clutter from your temple,
and scrubbed the floors,
and polished clean the mirrors and windows
that you may see deep within the soul through the eyes and far into infinity through the skies,
then, it is time to sit in the stillness and wait,
for the Guest to arrive.
And in that waiting, you find,
that you are the Guest,
and you have finally, come home.


intro-2Several times over the last 10 years, I awoke in the wee hours in a conversation with God, who I experience in endless ways, and who guided me to write these reflections. This flow or stream of consciousness now fills several journals, and this is the year I have decided to “come out of the closet” with these timeless inspirations.
And so, I begin.

Dearest Friends on the Journey:intro-1

I realize, waking up in the middle of the night, I have loved you, loved everyone, forever …
My complete and simple realization is that the full-blown reality I AM, is Love …
I AM THAT and always have been.
This brings tears to my eyes.
I have never been more awake in my life …

God is kissing me with my eyes wide open.
In this sublime moment, Love is seeing through me,
And seeing Itself everywhere.
This is true Oneness …
The most powerful transforming force in existence.
Wherever Love is seeing Itself …
The Kingdom is made,
the pure goodness vibrating in life is restored to its natural state.
Radiant wholeness assumes its eternal nature…
And all time stops.
And all forms dissolve;
and only the pulse of Creation Love exists,
a Shiva Bliss Dance!

Most beloved One.
Our hearts are like magnets.
We meet in that place, where I am losing myself in you,
and you are losing yourself in me,
and only One of us is doing this Dance,
and it doesn’t matter who.
Joy has no name,
and no boundaries.



farfromyouI will remember this summer as the year my Mother, Beverly, and my best friend, Gayle, both abandoned me here on this planet. I replay their final smiles just for me; I do feel their love, hugs, and encouragement. Still, a big vacuum arose, and for the first time ever … I feel alone. Gayle suffered excruciating pain with cancer. As I visited her the week before she left, I tried to imagine how it felt to die …

For Gayle, my forever sister:


Most Precious One.

Nothing more need be spoken, when the final door stands open.
Known and unknown lose fixation, only love maintains duration.
Memories fade, ripened fruits fall,
Grace heralds Eternity’s call.
Light summons, elements release,
Soul relaxes, functionings cease.
Your bed of pain, now angel’s wings.
“Hail! The Friend returned…” heaven sings.


426328_4766930930058_1674046054_nI recently camped a few nights in the Avenue of the Giants, Humboldt Redwoods State Park, which has the largest remaining stand of virgin redwoods on the planet. In the middle of the night I woke, and this came to me. It is unedited, as most of my poetry you see will be. May we hear in our hearts, for this is way beyond minds, what these oldest beings whisper:

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Go in before “being.”
There is nothing to understand or explain.
No thing to think about, no thinker.
No doorways, no paths, neither future nor past.
No light and no dark, no movement nor stillness.
No hot and no cold.
Awareness with no direction, and no conception.
And now … we drop the “no.” And also … the “now.”
And the …
If you are still thinking,
no one has failed,
for no one was here in the first place, and no one has heard these words, either.
Jump this hurdle.
There is no holy grail when holiness Itself exists.

Nothing is sacred, nothing profane;
here she goes with this “no” again!
For what is undeniable,
has always, only, been … “YES!”
“YES!” in the silence as the crickets chirp,
“YES!” in the night sky as it gives birth to dawn.
The never ending story begins again
from all HOLLOWS PT.

Get swallowed by Life!
You have no idea.
Nothing … something … everything.
Nothing … something … everything.
Can this all Be?

Go in before “being,”
and wander, until you are lost.