Return to Oneness


Contains several of the poems on this website, and in PDF form you will enjoy all the beautiful full-color pictures. (the printed book has black-and-white pictures) Some of these poems are on her CD.

This collection of love poems to the Beloved, and “ruminations” of consciousness between Cynthia and Life, are powerful, heart-opening and clearly ECSTATIC. Her poetry is often compared to Rumi’s, since Rumi and Cynthia have the same birthday. You will complete the walk across the bridge to Oneness, with the transmission available to you in this book.


“Most beloved One.
Our hearts are like magnets.
We meet in that place, where I am losing myself in you,
and you are losing yourself in me,
and only One of us is doing this Dance,
and it doesn’t matter who.
Joy has no name,
and no boundaries.”


“There is no face of God,
but all I see.
There is no name of God,
but the indescribable sound of creation in celestial spheres.
That a faceless nameless Presence
has lodged Itself in my heart
and left the door wide open,
is the invitation for the dross me to pack its bags and leave.
While the “Me” that glistens,
dines on the throne,
in the Light, where only one of us exists.”



“Amazing! Rumi’s energy comes pouring through you and is channeled. YOU ARE ON FIRE….flowing with the love you have discovered within your own heart. You seem to be charged with the lightning coming through you…”
[Rassouli, international artist and book collaborator with Michael Beckwith]

“Here is a book that truly rises above the intellect. It is written from the heart, and goes straight to the heart, penetrating it deeply.” [Steven Lane Taylor, author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat: A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow]

“When I read through the mystical poets of the past, I must cut through the era’s culture. But when I read this poetry, it speaks to me directly and moves me with immediacy. It is deeply inspirational and a wonderful adjunct to prayer and worship.”
[Rita Sherma, Ph.D., founding Director of Center for Convergence Theology.]

Contact Author to Purchase – $11