My New Year’s wish for us humaning better? Be more fearless! But, for different reasons than you think! Fear is one of the main disruptive, disabling, disempowering aspects of civilization. Fear of what other people do, might do or say, or what we might do or say, or what we might NOT do or say… in time. We fear governments and strangers, a collapsing civilization, and being a witness to just too much disharmony and pain. We fear our lack of clarity and direction, of messing up, we even fear the strength of our indwelling Light and power.

We can be frozen in place from making decisions, from moving forward in our lives, just taking the next step. Thus, CIVILIZATION IS HELD BACK FROM DEVELOPING FASTER INTO A BENEVOLENT PARADIGM BY INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE HOLDING BACK FROM BEING THEIR BEST SELVES!

People are afraid to be their authentic selves, when they need to understand how Absolute-fully amazing they are! If you are not your true self, you are not fulfilling the plan for your life. We are all sparkling, holographic crystals of Light, ONE INDIVISIBLE SHARED BEING!!! Thou art THAT, which is pretty SPECTACULAR, and should rouse a gut-level never-to-look-back-again soul-level TRUST IN THE WAY FORWARD FOR YOU!


The Love in you is the opposite energy of the fear in you. So, FLIP THE SWITCH! If you experience fear, simply think of what you love! All the things, people, places, conditions or qualities you love. Dwell on Love and how it has appeared in your life every day. Everything you are grateful for is what you love. You should have a very long list! Just keep thinking of things you love. The fear flees and fades into the background!

So simple, and it works!