Transform Into Lightbody

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How Is Consciousness Evolving? What‘s Next For The Human Body?
Read this book. Find out HOW MAGNIFICENT YOU ARE! (sample below)
Dr. Clayton has created a marvelous overview of the nature and necessity of Lightbody in human development. A very useful tool for all who are interested in the next step on the path.
Rev. Dr. Ruth L. Miller
I bought this book and highly recommend it. It summarizes in a compellingly straightforward way many of the deeply esoteric teachings it took me years of self-study to understand. A beautiful present for yourself or others consciously committed to the ascension path!
Ann J.
“TRANSFORM INTO LIGHTBODY” is the first book I have read that clearly details the lightbody into stages or levels. This information guides you to understand the process to Outer Enlightenment, and the journey into becoming a Cosmic Being. An easy-to-understand book where one can grasp new concepts. I recommend this book for the beginner or the advanced spiritual learner.
K. MasonThis is an incredibly well-researched book filled with little known esoteric information. The breadth and depth of its coverage of Lightbody is quite impressive. I highly recommend it. You won’t be disappointed!
Sarah A.
This inspiring and uplifting book will lead you on a journey to uncover the truth of your being as cosmic and Divine. It includes prayers and meditations which open the heart and expand consciousness. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, this is my go-to book. It is full of wisdom and joy. I don’t keep many books that I buy but this is one that will always be with me. Enjoy!
What a wonderfully written book! I love feeling the resonance of such truth! I am a Divine Being! All truly is well!
This book is a gem. The words inspire readers to aspire to become hue man beings of light, and love. This wisdom is highly needed and recommended.
This book presents methods that actually work. Especially the steps given for Diamond lightbody activation – ignites the mighty I Am within you.

Credit: Celestial artwork in the book by Rassouli. Visit
Description: We are living in a sea of responsive light-energy, within an electromagnetic mind-body vehicle that is a living bioluminescent computer. We have infinite downloads available and programming possibilities for an amazing future, with software directed only for the highest good of humanity and the planet earth. We are coming online to our inherent, incredible, magnificent nature and power.
Seeking to rise to the next plateau of awareness and level of existence, we ask:
How is consciousness evolving? What’s next?
Practicing and knowing “Home” states such as nirvana, Samadhi, Christ consciousness, or cosmic consciousness, we naturally reach and maintain higher planes of Universal Consciousness… and simply… enter that door as a Body of Light.
What’s the next stage of evolution for the human body? This question has been asked less often than inquiry into the evolution of consciousness. Since the body is actually also conscious awareness, its evolution follows the same main principle: to bloom the already planted seeds. The idea is that to evolve as a species we must get back to our core, our essence, the energy, the light, the light-body. To become what we already are. This is precisely the idea repeated in sacred texts from many traditions. Depicted as the imprisoned splendor, or the Magic Genie in the Lamp, it is only you… merging with YOU!

- Superconductive Body— Indian Vedas
- Diamond or Jade Body— Taoism
- Diamond Body— Vajrayana
- Adamantine Body— Tantra
- Sacred Body, or Super Celestial Body— Sufism
- ‘Wujud al-Aqdas’, or ‘Jism asli haqiqi’— Sufism
- Glorified Body, or Resurrection Body— Christianity
- Rainbow Body or the Great Transfer— Tibetan Buddhism
- Devi and Devta— Brahma Kumaris
- Spiritual Body— Christianity
- Luminous Being— Egyptian
- Radiant Body— Neo-Platonism
- Immortal Body— Hermeticism
- Body of Bliss— Kriya Yoga
- Perfect Body— Mithraism
- Golden Body— Emerald Tablets
- Holy Flesh— Catholicism

Chapter 1: Introduction.
Chapter 2: The Story of Light.
Chapter 3: The Soul’s Journey.
Chapter 4: Scientific Support for Lightbody.
- Everything Is Energy.
- Bio-Computer/Bio-Photonics.
- “Junk” DNA.
- The Source of Consciousness.
- Reviving the Universal Grid.
Chapter 5: Understanding Frequencies & the Tone of Your Soul.
Chapter 6: Ascended Masters.
Chapter 7: A Buddhist Path to Lightbody.
- Liberation of Primordial Mind.
- The Great Transfer.
Chapter 8: The Stages of Lightbody.
Chapter 9: Practices for Evolving into Cosmic Beings.
- Communing with Light.
Chapter 10: Expanding Thoughts.
MORE! Ascended Master Saint Germain’s Meditation. Invocation to the Unified Chakra. Activate Your Diamond Light Body. From KARIMA’S Violet Flame Collection.
It absolutely causes me to grin from ear to ear, when someone infers that the exploration of the light-body phenomena is New Age. There is no concept as ancient as the idea that we came from the Light and are returning to the Light. Yet, much of the world’s population is foreign to the idea that… we ARE the light!
Current scientific research in Bio-photonics points to facts metaphysicians have known for thousands of years: that chi or prana is numinous light circulating in our electromagnetic body, and that our bodies are becoming vehicles for ascendant consciousness. My goal is to provide a new understanding of this inherent light-body.
The idea that the soul is on a journey toward actualization is supported by an enormous amount of literature describing ways to achieve our full human potential. But what happens then? What form does illumination take once a human being finally reaches the summit? A number of the world’s great religions teach about the existence of an immortal light form to which all humans are heir. The seeds of this immortal essence are said to exist within each of us.
As a process, spiritual realization has progressive phases of emotional and mental transformation. However, I hope to bring awareness of tangible physical changes that occur as a person intensifies in consciousness through mystical or transcendent experiences. In the last stage of enlightenment, according to esoteric teachings of many religions and mystery schools, the human body itself is changed from flesh into light. Through the process of transubstantiation of the flesh, blood, skin, and bone, one actually becomes a being made of light. What at first seemed a baffling and mysterious subject became crystal clear by the end of my research. I present my findings here, which I hope will provide you with insight into this amazing and yet natural phenomena of the evolution of our species.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Like the Genie inside Aladdin’s Lamp, a Magic Presence vibrates inside of us. It acts as our own personal transformer, assisting our transcendence into the next stage of human evolution. It can be called our soul essence, or our core frequency. Through the ages it has been referred to by many terms. The belief that we are made of light and are evolving into light-bodies is in all religious traditions, mystery schools and esoteric texts. And, it has not only been considered possible for the human body to evolve into pure energy, into a Body of Light, proof actually exists of thousands of cases. This Light is not the physical light made of photons, but is of a higher frequency undetected by current scientific instruments. We raise our frequency and live in the more harmonious dimensions. A person in lightbody would be invisible to the average person.
There is no escape, it is inevitable, occurs organically, and everyone transforms- sooner or later. Transformation into lightbody is not optional! It can take hundreds of lifetimes, or much fewer. It is the final spiritual stage… the exit door. Arriving at the natural endgame of the human experience, we merge with our inherent divine nature, and what unfolds is the beginning of a new octave as our galactic selves. Although this may sound like science-fiction, remember, science-fiction is often the precursor for reality.
Humanity is now receiving this revelation, and we are here at this time to serve the world during the long-heralded Shift into the Golden Age of expanded consciousness. We finally understand the integration of the human and divine as the final evolutionary stage of human beings. When a soul is fully evolved it will develop from a Homo-Sapien into a “Homo-Universalis,” then, become “Homo-Luminous.” If you are reading this book, your soul has pre-ordained this time to summon the Light from within your body, like polishing Aladdin’s lamp. You liberate your Light and release your true essence, transposing into the Eternal Self.
Do you recall the timeworn movie Cocoon? The ending demonstrated a swimming pool full of euphoric senior citizens transforming into their hidden light-bodies. It didn’t look like a bad way to go, did it! Jungle guides suddenly emerge to rescue the main characters in the movie The Celestine Prophecy, then exit disappearing into a door of translucent light. They do this several times, secretly, but eventually are witnessed as beings of light. Ascended Masters throughout history have been spotted materializing and de-materializing, from Mother Mary to Babaji. This was long before the series Star Trek popularized the notion of releasing the physical elements of the body in a transporter. We fondly remember, “Beam me up, Scotty!”
So, how do we achieve the next stage? There is proof in the academic world that 160,000 enlightened masters in Tibet and China achieved their Rainbow Bodies. And this is achievable today, as are even higher levels of lightbody such as The Great Transfer. This book you are reading right now is the key to your culmination… and to your freedom!
The process divulged in the practices herein, is to invoke and commune with Light, to hang out with the Light of our innate or primordial state of mind, pure Presence, and as the mind gains its freedom and becomes lucid and limitless… the elements in our bodies release their light. However, until we have peeled away all the masks of personality roles and discovered the pure Self within, and learned to be a Bodhicitta of unconditional love and service to others, we are not able to connect to our soul and the Light within for long enough periods to fully transform.
Let us investigate together. What is so fascinating about light that it captivated one of the most brilliant and curious minds on the planet? Albert Einstein enthusiastically revealed: “For the rest of my life, I will reflect on what light is.” Light within the human body is currently studied by a new branch of biology called Bio-photonics, within the parent Institute of Biophysics (IIB) founded by Fritz-Albert Popp and his colleagues in 1996. There are now about 40 research groups worldwide. Bio-photonics is measuring a fifth-circulatory system in the human body- of moving light. It makes sense that when actively accelerated this fifth-circulatory system enhances and regulates physical transformation.
Scientists have long been intrigued by this inner light, wondering why acupuncturists succeeded for thousands of years in their healing arts by tracking electro-magnetic impulses inside meridians. This idea of light circulating in the body is not a recent New Age philosophy, but received interest by scientists even of the stature of Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton. As far back as 1717, Newton speculated: “Are not the gross bodies and light convertible into one another, and may not bodies receive much of their activity from the particles of light which enter their composition?”
The idea of converting into a body of light always summons discussion of the processes of resurrection and ascension. A few thousand years ago, according to an esoteric book The Essenes – Children of the Light, Jesus talks to a group of friends during his youth as an Essene. The discussion portrays that he already knows about ascension.
“In the first level of spiritual ascension, you continue in the physical body for a while. But when your task on earth is completed, you go forward into physical ascension. The physical body dissolves into light, and from then on as an ascended being you live within your body of light. Spirit and matter merge and become one, and the body is raised into a higher realm.”
Jewish and Christian doctrine hold that several Bible figures ascended. Enoch ascended, great-grandfather of Noah. “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away.” Jesus bodily ascended to heaven forty days after his resurrection. Elijah, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Ezra, and Mary also ascended.
My effort to explore and connect the resurrection/ ascension theme across traditions is supported by research by Father Francis Tiso, a priest of the Diocese of Isernia-Venafro, Italy. (NOTE: In 2016 he presented more findings at IONS.) He has traveled and studied the rainbow body extensively, and the spiritual path and practices that correspond to both the Christian Resurrection Body of Jesus and the Rainbow Body of Nyingma Buddhists. “The Rainbow Body shows the possibilities inherent in the human body, which seems to be a distillation apparatus into which all the energies of the universe flow in the direction of enlightenment.”
The purpose of a lightbody is to bring forth the spirit, the light, creating a union of spirit with matter. The soul’s nature fully manifests through the body. The body becomes light and immortal when they are truly joined.