Ascension, Evolution into Lightbody Explained
Lightbody is our inner core, essence, the organic and natural process towards freedom and illumination. The destination of highly evolved consciousness as well as the next stage of the human body in physical evolution. The purpose of a lightbody is to bring forth the spirit, the light, creating a union of spirit with matter. The soul’s nature fully manifests through the body. The body becomes light and immortal when they are truly joined. Based on two years of research, scouring EVERY book available on the body of Light, bio-photonics, consciousness studies, primordial awareness, and 100,000 documented cases of Rainbow Body phenomenon. The destination of a human being is to master love and light, merging into our own divinity.
Discover the new cosmology unfolding of THE ELECTRIC UNIVERSE MODEL. See pictures of NASA’s latest imaging (in May) of electromagnetism in the center of our Galaxy. Understand the significance of BIOPHOTONICS RESEARCH tracing the faster than nerve impulse chi made by your DNA and circulating in your body. This light carries information between cells and if supersized is surely the link to lightbody formation. See slides of holy people who have shrunk to less than a foot, or entirely left their bodies via rainbow lights witnessed by the whole village. Lightbody has activated in all traditions down through the ages. Was Jesus pointing the way to our own ascension?
David Steindl-Rast, a Catholic Benedictine monk, said: “If we can establish as an anthropological fact that WHAT IS DESCRIBED IN THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS HAS NOT ONLY HAPPENED TO OTHERS, BUT IS HAPPENING TODAY, it would put our view of human potential in a completely different light.”
Transformation into lightbody is not optional! There is no escape, it is inevitable, occurs organically, and everyone transforms- sooner or later. It can take hundreds of lifetimes, or much fewer. It is the final spiritual stage, with the exit door. LIBERATION! Not an ending, but the beginning of a new octave as our cosmic, galactic Selves.
Perfect Your Perception of the Presence of God
Rev. Cynthia Diane Clayton, PhD, asks “What does it mean to Practice the Presence of God?”
(Quickly experience the Presence with an Eckhart Tolle inspired meditation)
What spiritual or mental principles should we practice?
How do we pray? (spiritual mind treatment of Ernest Holmes and other Mind Scientists) Prayer is thought that is in tune with the Infinite.
To resurrect your consciousness to a new, heightened level of God awareness, upgrade your perception of God’s most perfect and infinitely plentiful Presence in your life, practice The 4 P’s:
Practice the Presence
Practice the Principle
Practice Prayer
Practice Powerful Partnerships
Zoom Talk given for One Spirit New Thought Center (OSNTC) Knoxville, TN. April 24, 2022.
Use the POWER of LOVE in YOU for the World!
As we individually love our lives more, we affect the collective wellbeing of all; as we live more fulfilled, joyous, complete lives, we up level the vibration of all humankind. Consciousness is contagious. It’s like a virus – and I find positivity as well as negativity are catching. We want to be more aware of our personal energy and the radiance we emit in the field of collective consciousness. We are creating a New Paradigm with this heart-love radiance. Are we activating The Laws of Creation through Love? Are we letting Love be the guiding force in our lives? Said simply, are we planting SEEDS of LOVE into the SOIL of the LAW? Come understand how Divine Love acting through and as you is the power of creation! This Talk given at One Spirit New Thought Center, Knoxville, Tennessee February 6, 2022. By Rev. Cynthia Diane Clayton, PhD Join us on zoom! Link given by emailing
The Four Kingdoms of Spiritual Awakening & Transformation
My Talk at One Spirit New Thought Center (OSNTC) January 9th.
I discuss our 4 stages of awakening:
“Why Me?” – Mortal Stage
“By Me” – Metaphysician Stage
“Through Me” – The Mystic
“As Me” – Master
With our goal IN THIS LIFETIME of God-realization.
Meher Baba’s MAN-GOD explained. You will understand who you are by the end of this 30 minute talk.
You Are Pre-Approved! Worthy to Feel Love from the Universe
The Law of the Universe says we can only receive as much of God’s unconditional Love and Blessings as we are able to receive! Yes, we’re pre-approved, yes, it’s always available — ALWAYS – but, in order to experience it, to feel accepted by God/Source/Life… we must accept it, receive it, open to it… There are 10 Terms and Conditions to activate your pre-approval, to fully receive it. Knowing your true identity as a God seedling. Not short-circuiting the Divine Energy available to you by learning to feel worthy, valuable, deserving — simply by beginning to understand and really accept the Truth of your being. Believing in your dreams. Not talking smack about yourself. Honoring your ancestors to release you from family karma. Radical self-care. Talk presented Dec. 26, 2021, at One Spirit New Thought Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.
LETTING GO! Surrender to Grace. Release Pain and Resistance.
At this historical juncture, the only possibility for personal and planetary transformation is opening to divine guidance ~ through our intuition. This is how positive change will transpire. The greatest good for all beings on earth depends on alignment with the power of Grace. We have forgotten how. This video explains what keeps us tied up in knots, unable to receive the life we desire. Ghandi said: “Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.” Are you ready? What the heck is surrender? To whom? What attitudes and habits must I release? Contents: *** 5 Myths about Surrender (Surrender is only for when a crisis hits, is a sign of defeat or weakness, means saying “Yes” to everything, I can’t manifest my goals if I quit trying so hard, I must be in perfect control to be a master.) *** 4 Types of Surrender (Intellectual, Physical/Sensual, Emotional, Spiritual) *** 3 Stages of Surrender (Resistance, Acceptance, Letting Go) Inspired by psychiatrist Judith Orloff’s book, “The Ecstasy of Surrender.”
To uplift the consciousness of all humanity, use the power of affirmative prayer with a quirky focus that may surprise you: “I PRAY FOR AND WITH EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING.” Each day speak the following prayer aloud, slowly, then expand your energetic heart: I pray for and with everyone and everything. I pray for the Unity of all things. I need not beg for certain scenarios to occur, or situations and circumstances to be as I think they should be. I hold EVERYTHING in the Light, and I send blessings far and wide. I connect with the Source of my strength, and pour my love into all that is. Envision the planet enfolded in a blue mantle of peace. Sit quietly in meditation, powerful and content, radiating eternal bliss.
“I AM” Ascension Light Energy decreed for planetary blessing of humankind and Gaia. At The Gathering in Florida. A dedicated group of lightworkers and healers gathered once a month to bring higher frequencies and sacred energies into manifestation for the benefit of the Planet. Reverend Karima, a Universal Sufi High Priestess, was leading this.
Unusual and insightful Valentine’s Day Talk. Given at Ocean Unity, Newport, OR, Feb. 12, 2017. What do you do to feel separate from the Divine, God, the One? What mind games are you playing? The cosmic process of love is explained. You cannot get love, give love, and never TRY to love anyone. Love is not the exchange of a commodity. You ARE love. You have all the love of the universe within you.
Experience 4 stages of witnessing or “harvesting” your life, become the ultimate omniscient observer. RELEASE what doesn’t serve your soul. Purify your mental, emotional and etheric fields. Experience the Accounter, Reckoner, Watchful One, and All-knowing Omniscience (God’s reality). Also – Buddha’s right-mindfulness and Gurdjieff’s self-remembering are experienced in an intro meditation.
07:33 Flower Meditation – 3 points of knowing (subject, object, ultimate observer)
16:25 Main Meditation
Love, Lover or Beloved? Rumi’s poem woven into a meditation. Ending with her own poem.
God asks Rumi: “Do you love yourself more than me?” It will surprise you that the correct answer to this… is NO answer. Why? Listen to the meditation!
Sufis are lovers of God in all traditions, the mystic core across all boundaries of race and nationality. They have existed 40,000 years in advanced groups known as Friends of Truth, The Builders, The Masters, The People of the Way, Assembly of the Living Saints of the Earth, The Inner Circle of Humanity (the Sarmoung Brotherhood.) Gurdjieff discovered Sufi roots in Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, Jewish Essene teachings, and the Greek expression of the Hermetic and Christian Gnostics.
Note: You may wish to skip the 4 min. of music at the beginning.
Dr. Clayton studied lightbody phenomena in the esoteric texts of many religious traditions, and here offers the MOST recent facts in a MOST interesting fashion, using modern science such as bio-photonics to supply convergent data. We ARE Light at our core. No mystery! She has presented her findings at New Thought and Higher Consciousness gatherings, colleges, Sunday services, and festivals.
“Surrender to Grace: Let Go of the Pain!”

Based on psychologist Judith Orloff’s book The Ecstasy of Surrender, and Dr. Rev. Cynthia Clayton’s own experience. What are you giving up? To WHOM? What do you gain? How do you do it???
“Touching the Hem of God”
Author reading her poem.
“Kissed by the Divine”
Author reading her poem.
More videos at Karima Cynthia Clayton’s YouTube Page