11-the-end-of-the-roadI have not been lost, I have been traveling.
But here I AM, now.
Does anything matter anymore? Only if I want it to.
Does anything have meaning? Only what I give it.
When enlightenment comes,
there is no more hiding from your true nature,
the true reality you have always been.
This reality is not in a box of some little mind,
but exists as an endless living sphere of the One Eternal Mind.
This reality will be much more fun as we create from this holy ground
experiences of any and every possibility.
My preference still? The Nothing.
I will lay naked within the lush fertile composting mass
of a beautiful mothering planet, sharing in Her deep love of all beings,
and let others plow me, turn me over, plant the seeds in me,
and toil through my veins of dirt. I rest!